Default Display name on new users

User No-Frame1. Start ADSI Edit and Connect to Naming Context “Configuration Container,” and click OK

2. Expand the Configuration Container, and expand the Configuration

3. Expand the cn=DisplaySpecifiers node, and then double-click CN=409.NOTE: 409 is the Locale ID for U.S. English. If you are in a multi-lingual environment, you may need to make changes to the other codes. Most of the Asian codes are already set. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) define the code pages. For more information, visit the following ITU and ISO Web page:

4. In the right-hand pane, open the properties for “CN=user-Display”

5. Scroll to the createDialog optional property

6. Set the attribute to %<sn>.%<givenName>. Make sure that you click Set

7. Click OK to close the dialog box